Those close to me gave me a abundance of helpful advice and assurances, but one in particular stood out to me. Someone told me that while I may not be a walking audio bible, I did possess an invaluable tool-- a testimony. These words immediately evoked thoughts of recent scripture I had read. John 9:1-41 tells of a man who was born blind but was healed once crossing paths with the Lord, Jesus Christ. His neighbors, and later the Pharisees, questioned if he was indeed blind once, and how he was healed. They went as far as to accost the man’s parents, hoping to dispel the notion that this individual was indeed even blind at one point. The Pharisee's had an agenda, of course, as they refused to attribute anything holy to Jesus. They continued to question the man until the seemingly exasperated gentleman retorts, "I don’t know whether [Jesus] is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see" (John 9:25)! As I heeded these words of comfort offered by my loved one, that biblical account of the blind man resonated within me in a profound way. The formerly blind man who received this miracle at the hands of Christ didn't have all the details around the healing, or even the healer. All he knew was that he had been healed, and was now a tangible, walking product of the power of Christ. I get it!
This evening I head into this commitment with a new-found focus and sense of comfort. And it's not because I jotted a couple scriptures on the palm of my hand. Or because I riddled my bible with a variety of make-shift bookmarks. I head into this weekend emboldened because while I may not have all the answers, I know the one who does-- as the cliche goes. And because I ran into this person, my Savior, though I was once blind I now see due to the transformation I've undergone since that fateful day we met. And I’m equipped, and ready to tell you all about it.
*Originally written June 18th, 2010, but in my haste to depart for this trip I had no time to post.*
I am very proud of you Mr. Moody. Beautiful first post. Looking forward to reading more!
::pats Moody on the back::....awwwwww Im a proud sister!!!!!
Lol, thanks Nina, and Keoka! Prayfully this trip was the first of many. I'm merely a tool in His shed.
Ceres, thanks engaging in the fight against world hunger via that link on the right!
Thats not spam, Community! I'm soliciting contributions!
As always you inspire me. Great reflection and abity to transform your thoughts into picture. Great job. Looking forward to reading more.
Clarence, whats good cousin! Thanks for the comment. Now that I think about it, I see how this post could resonate in you.
You may not have all the answers either, but you show the God in you daily. Thats evident by the flack you get from some peers who don't understand the contrast between who you are today, from the man you were yesteryear. Keep pressing on, my dude. I'm proud of you, as a professional, a Christian, and a friend.
Follow me (not spiritually, you should be tagging behind Christ! Lol. But via this blog) and I'll do the same once you want me to get with your blog.
LOL @ "not because I jotted a couple scriptures on the palm of my hand" Hilarious and edifying all at once! When's your book coming out?! Put me down for a copy! What a great lesson you learned just PREPARING for the experience! Isn't Jesus awesome!? Proud of you, bro! Stay strong in the faith and forever after His heart.
Haha, thanks Isha. The book has been canceled. Couldn't decide between hard and soft cover so I scrapped it. Choices, choices.
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